
Publications from researchers using our products.

956 publications reference products from PolySciTech division, Akina, Inc.

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Research using PolySciTech product: AP179


Uses Products

Carney, Bonnie C., Mary A. Oliver, Metecan Erdi, Liam D. Kirkpatrick, Stephen P. Tranchina, Selim Rozyyev, John W. Keyloun et al. "Evaluation of Healing Outcomes Combining A Novel Polymer Formulation with Autologous Skin Cell Suspension to Treat Deep Partial and Full Thickness Wounds in a Porcine Model; A Pilot Study". Burns (2022).
Product Used: AP179
Product Usage: Cell-Scaffold

Erdi, Metecan, Selim Rozyyev, Manogna Balabhadrapatruni, Michele S. Saruwatari, John L. Daristotle, Omar B. Ayyub, Anthony D. Sandler, and Peter Kofinas. "Sprayable Tissue Adhesive with Biodegradation Tuned for Prevention of Post‐Operative Abdominal Adhesions". Bioengineering & Translational Medicine e10335
Product Used: AP212, AP178, AP179, AP151
Product Usage: Structural


Guo, Ting, John Patrick Fisher, Hannah Baker, Max Jonah Lerman, and Robert Choe. "Acellular Bioactive Scaffold Device and Methods of Fabrication and Treatment Relating Thereto". U.S. Patent Application 16/743,315 filed July 16, 2020
Product Used: AP179, AI125
Product Usage: Cell-Scaffold


Guo, Ting, Maeesha Noshin, Hannah B. Baker, Evin Taskoy, Sean J. Meredith, Qinggong Tang, Julia P. Ringel et al. . "3D Printed Biofunctionalized Scaffolds for Microfracture Repair of Cartilage Defects". Biomaterials (2018)
Product Used: AP179, AI125
Product Usage: Cell-Scaffold


Zhang, Kaile, Qiang Fu, James Yoo, Xiangxian Chen, Prafulla Chandra, Xiumei Mo, Lujie Song, Anthony Atala, and Weixin Zhao. "3D bioprinting of urethra with PCL/PLCL blend and dual autologous cells in fibrin hydrogel: an in vitro evaluation of biomimetic mechanical property and cell growth environment". Acta Biomaterialia 2016
Product Used: AP179
Product Usage: Structural


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