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PLGA from PolySciTech used in development of Ocular delivery system
Thursday, March 27, 2025, 3:42 PM ET
There are a variety of diseases that affect the back of the eye which can lead to blindness in affected individuals. Researchers at University of North Texas and The University of Texas at Austin used PLGA (AP040) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop an ocular delivery system to release a novel compound that reduces ocular disease. This research holds promise to provide for treatments against blindness. Read more: Garrett, Meredith, Stacy Curry, Sherri Feris, Yan Lu, Qi Gu, Abe Clark, Stephen F. Martin, and Michail Kastellorizios. "Delivery of a novel neuroprotective compound to the retina in rat and rabbit animal models." Journal of Controlled Release (2025): 113659. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168365925002792
“Posterior segment-related diseases are among the leading causes of irreversible blindness and loss of vision globally. These diseases are extremely difficult to treat due to the drug delivery barriers posed by the eye, among other challenges. One delivery method that bypasses many of these obstacles, albeit not without risk, is ocular injections, and long-acting formulations such as implants can improve patient compliance by allowing for longer intervals between injections. Here, we report our development of a preclinical in situ-forming implant dosage form that provides sustained release of a novel compound, DKR-1677, with a target in the retina. An in situ-forming implant based on polylactic co glycolic acid (PLGA) was chosen in this preclinical stage because it is readily translatable to a preformed implant product. The formulations were tested in vitro, in rat and rabbit animal models for drug release and pharmacokinetics. A two-step in vitro dissolution method with implant formation in a biorelevant gel followed by incubation in release media showed a 30-day three-phase release profile with an initial burst release of 36.04 ± 4.23 %, a plateau, and a controlled release up to 93.75 ± 4.68 % at day 30, typical of PLGA-based implant formulations. Immediate and controlled-release formulations were tested in rat and rabbit animal models and confirmed that DKR-1677 is taken up by the retina after intravitreal administration. Furthermore, the in situ-forming implant was found to prolong drug presence in the retina to 30 days following a single administration, confirming that a PLGA-based implant is a viable approach for this drug candidate.”
PCL (Cat# AP040): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP040#h
Akina, Inc. launches new GMP manufacturing service available to outside customers https://www.akinainc.com/midwestgmp/
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
Polycaprolactone from PolySciTech used in development of Cell scaffold.
Thursday, March 27, 2025, 3:41 PM ET
Vascular grafts are a way to regrow damaged blood vessels. Researchers at University of Colorado used PCL (AP257) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop scaffolds for graft repair. This research holds promise to improve healing of damaged tissues. Read more: Battistella, Aurora, Morgan Linger, Richard D. Johnson, Anna Sallee, Rajan Jain, Bridget Antreasian, Yifu Ding, and Wei Tan. "Fabrication of Polymer Blend Vascular Grafts with Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Rapid Cell Infiltration: Influence of Micro/Nanostructure, Polymer Composition, and Post-Processing on Pore Architecture And Bioengineered Environment." Nanostructure, Polymer Composition, and Post-Processing on Pore Architecture And Bioengineered Environment. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=5179106
“Abstract: Vascular grafts are often used to treat cardiovascular diseases. Desired properties of next-generation graft materials include artery-like mechanics, clinically feasible manufacturing processes, and a bioactive interface that facilitates rapid and deep infiltration of neighboring cells to support tissue regeneration. These requirements inspired the design, fabrication, and post-processing of our graft materials. In terms of material design, we evaluated the performance of three microfiber graft materials composed of a hydrophobic polymer and photo-clickable, 4-arm thiolated polyethylene glycol-norbornene (PEG-NB). The materials included two coaxially nanostructured fiber designs, each featuring a PEG-NB sheath and different cores—polycaprolactone (PCL) and polycaprolactone-co-lactic acid (PLCL), respectively—and a mixed composition created by directly blending the sheath and core solutions during electrospinning. For post-processing, the constructs were either air-dried or freeze-dried. Surface morphology was assessed using scanning electron microscopy, while mechanical properties were characterized through tensile testing and dynamic mechanical analysis. Subcutaneous implants were evaluated at 1, 4, and 16 weeks using histological, immunofluorescent, and multiphoton microscopy analyses to examine cellular distribution, material structure, and tissue remodeling. Results showed that the freeze-drying post-processing method enhanced overall porosity, stiffness, and ultimate tensile strength. Among all tested conditions, the freeze-dried core-sheath structure with PCL most closely matched the mechanical properties of native vessels. Using PLCL as a core material increased degradation and cell infiltration during the first month of subcutaneous studies. Ultimately, graft strength, porosity, and bioactivity were effectively modulated by the choice of core material and post-processing method. The distinct strengths of PCL and PLCL as a core polymer suggest that combining these materials could potentially optimize material degradation, cell infiltration and tissue remodeling along with mechanical performance.”
PCL (Cat# AP257): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP257#h
Akina, Inc. launches new GMP manufacturing service available to outside customers https://www.akinainc.com/midwestgmp/
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
Fluorescent PLGA from PolySciTech used in tracking lymph node drainage in rodent model as part of allergy research
Friday, March 14, 2025, 3:12 PM ET
Allergic reactions are a T-cell mediated condition which is typified by a pathological immune response yet remains not fully understood. Researchers at University of Pittsburgh used fluorescent PLGA-FPR648 (Cat# AV008) PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to prepare fluorescent microparticles for the study which were used to track drainage through the lymph nodes in rodent model during allergic interactions. This research holds promise to improve understanding of allergic interactions and work towards improved treatment options. Read more: Bentley, Elizabeth R., Stacia Subick, Jake Doran, Julie Kobyra, Stephen C. Balmert, and Steven R. Little. "Local delivery of an adenosine receptor agonist reduces inflammation associated with contact hypersensitivity." Drug Delivery and Translational Research (2025): 1-16. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13346-025-01831-x
“Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), a T-cell mediated inflammatory skin condition, is prompted by multiple, subsequent exposures to contact allergens (e.g., nickel). Current treatment approaches for ACD include repeated topical application or systemic delivery of immunosuppressants. These treatment strategies have many limitations, including non-specific mechanism of actions and the occurrence of side effects due to their delivery method. For this reason, we developed a novel therapeutic approach that is based upon adenosine (Ado) receptor signaling, a known anti-inflammatory pathway. Specifically, we developed a polymer microparticle-based controlled release system capable of presenting IBMECA (IBMECA-MPs), an Ado receptor agonist, to the local environment. In this study, we first sought to study the immunosuppressive effects of IBMECA on immune cells implicated in the pathogenesis of ACD (e.g., dendritic cells) in vitro. Subsequently, we examined the effects of enhancing adenosine signaling in contact hypersensitivity (CHS), an in vivo model of ACD, through local administration of IBMECA-MPs. We observed that IBMECA-MPs were capable of reducing the inflammatory response associated with CHS by reducing maturation markers of antigen-presenting cells, altering cytokine secretion, and reducing relative frequencies of effector T cell populations. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of therapeutic efficacy of IBMECA in CHS, as well as the first proof-of-principle demonstration of IBMECA application in the context of a local drug delivery system. Ultimately, this delivery system has the potential to be adapted for use in other T-cell mediated inflammatory conditions (e.g., transplant rejection), suggesting broader implications of this study.”
mPEG-PLGA (Cat# AV008): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AV008#h
Akina, Inc. launches new GMP manufacturing service available to outside customers https://www.akinainc.com/midwestgmp/
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
mPEG-PLGA from PolySciTech Used in Development of anti-TNF-alpha therapy for Crohn’s disease treatment.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:29 PM ET
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease caused by over immune response. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University used PEG-PLGA (AK106) ) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop nanoparticles which deliver monoclonal antibodies for anti-TNF-alpha which reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines and signals the body to take a less aggressive immune response. This research holds promise to improve treatment of IBS. Read more: Zhang, Yicheng, Ling Li, Jiayuan Kong, Yuanmuhuang Long, Xiaoya Lu, Christopher J. Erb, Yurun Miao et al. "Long-acting injectable nanoparticle formulation for sustained release of anti-TNF-α antibody therapeutic in ulcerative colitis treatment." Journal of Controlled Release 380 (2025): 1005-1016. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168365925001567
“Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic, remitting, and relapsing conditions of the gastrointestinal tract with incompletely elucidated etiology. The anti-TNF-α mAbs represent one of aflash nanocomplexation and flash nanoprecipitation process, resulting in particles with a narrow size distribution and tunable release profile, with the longest in vitro release lasting over four months. These mAb-releasing NPs are then incorporated into hyaluronic acid hydrogel microparticles (MPs) to enhance tissue retention, thus extending the duration of mAb release in vivo. A single i.m. injection of the LAI can maintain the serum mAb level above the therapeutically effective concentration for over 100 days in healthy mice. In a 9-week study using a dextran sulfate-induced chronic colitis model, the anti-TNF-α LAI formulation demonstrates substantial therapeutic efficacy and a better safety profile than free mAb injections. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of this LAI system in maintaining a persistent serum mAb level and its potential as a versatile, safer, and effective delivery system for antibody therapeutics.”
mPEG-PLGA (Cat# AK106): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AK106#h
Akina, Inc. launches new GMP manufacturing service available to outside customers https://www.akinainc.com/midwestgmp/
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
MidWest GMP for scaled clinical formulation manufacturing
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 2:05 PM ET
PLGA from PolySciTech : Akina used in development of hydrogel for treatment of heart disease
Monday, February 17, 2025, 1:55 PM ET
Heart disease is the main cause of death worldwide. Researchers at University of Texas at Arlington and The University of Akron used PLGA (cat# AP154) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop SDF-1a releasing particles to load in with hydrogel matrix to repair damaged heart tissue. This research holds promise to improve treatments against heart-attacks and related cardiovascular diseases. Rear more: Xu, Jiazhu, Jacob Brown, Rubia Shaik, Luis Soto-Garcia, Jun Liao, Kytai Nguyen, Ge Zhang, and Yi Hong. "Injectable myocardium-derived hydrogels with SDF-1α releasing for cardiac repair." Biomaterials Advances (2025): 214203. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772950825000305
“Developed a nanocomposite hydrogel by encapsulating SDF-1α-loaded PLGA NPs into a cdECM hydrogel. Achieved sustained SDF-1α release over four weeks in vitro, compared to one week for direct encapsulation. PLGA NPs incorporation enhanced cdECM hydrogel mechanics, significantly improving both stiffness and strength. Demonstrated the ability to accelerate angiogenesis and restore cardiac function in a rat MI model. Myocardial infarction (MI) is a predominant cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Therapeutic chemokines, such as stromal cell-derived factor 1α (SDF-1α), present a promising opportunity to treat the profibrotic remodeling post-MI if they can be delivered effectively to the injured tissue. However, direct injection of SDF-1α or physical entrapment in a hydrogel has shown limited efficacy. Here, we developed a sustained-release system consisting of SDF-1α loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles (PLGA NPs) and an injectable porcine cardiac decellularized extracellular matrix (cdECM) hydrogel. This system demonstrated a sustained release of SDF-1α over four weeks while there is one week release for SDF-1α directly encapsulated in the cdECM hydrogel during in vitro testing. The incorporation of PLGA NPs into the cdECM hydrogel significantly enhanced its mechanical properties, increasing the Young's modulus from 561 ± 228 kPa to 1007 ± 2 kPa and the maximum compressive strength from 639 ± 42 kPa to 1014 ± 101 kPa. This nanocomposite hydrogel showed good cell compatibility after 7 days of culture with H9C2 cells, while the released SDF-1α retained its bioactivity, as evidenced by its chemotactic effects in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo studies further highlighted its significant ability to promote angiogenesis in the infarcted area and improve cardiac function after intramyocardial injection. These results demonstrated the therapeutic potential of combining local release of SDF-1α with the cdECM hydrogel for MI treatment.”
PLGA (Cat# AP154): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP154#h
Akina, Inc. launches new GMP manufacturing service available to outside customers https://www.akinainc.com/midwestgmp/
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
Video Guide to PST Website
Friday, February 14, 2025, 2:30 PM ET
PolySciTech Website is very large with many products and a great deal of information and functions. Learn more about how to navigate it with Akina’s video guide here: https://youtu.be/Tjlorp1lH0s
Swag for 2025: T-shirt, Multi-tool
Friday, February 14, 2025, 2:28 PM ET
Qualifying orders from PolySciTech (www.PolySciTech.com) can receive a TSA compliant branded multitool, perfect for opening packages and doing other odd-jobs around the lab. Larger orders can receive a nerdy T-shirt. When you want something to release immediately use WD40. When you want it to release never use duct tape. When you want it to release later use PolySciTech.
PLGA-PEG-NH2 from PolySciTech used in research on protein corona on nanoparticle transport
Monday, February 10, 2025, 1:12 PM ET
In the human body nanoparticles naturally adsorb proteins and this affects the transport of the particles inside the human body. Researchers at University of Technology Sydney, University of Adelaide, and The University of Melbourne used PLGA-PEG-NH2 (cat# AI169) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to analyze the effects of protein formation on nanoparticle transport. This research can improve drug delivery approaches in the future. Read more: Rennie, Claire, Nabila Morshed, Matthew Faria, Lyndsey Collins-Praino, and Andrew Care. "Nanoparticle Association with Brain Cells Is Augmented by Protein Coronas Formed in Cerebrospinal Fluid." Molecular Pharmaceutics (2025). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.4c01179
“Neuronanomedicine harnesses nanoparticle technology for the treatment of neurological disorders. An unavoidable consequence of nanoparticle delivery to biological systems is the formation of a protein corona on the nanoparticle surface. Despite the well-established influence of the protein corona on nanoparticle behavior and fate, as well as FDA approval of neuro-targeted nanotherapeutics, the effect of a physiologically relevant protein corona on nanoparticle-brain cell interactions is insufficiently explored. Indeed, less than 1% of protein corona studies have investigated protein coronas formed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the fluid surrounding the brain. Herein, we utilize two clinically relevant polymeric nanoparticles (PLGA and PLGA-PEG) to evaluate the formation of serum and CSF protein coronas. LC–MS analysis revealed distinct protein compositions, with selective enrichment/depletion profiles. Enhanced association of CSF precoated particles with brain cells demonstrates the importance of selecting physiologically relevant biological fluids to more accurately study protein corona formation and subsequent nanoparticle-cell interactions, paving the way for improved nanoparticle engineering for in vivo applications.”
PLGA-PEG-NH2 (Cat# AI169): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AI169#h
Akina, Inc. launches new GMP manufacturing service available to outside customers https://www.akinainc.com/midwestgmp/
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
mPEG-PLGA from PolySciTech used in delivery of mRNA for treatment of breast cancer
Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 3:23 PM ET
Triple-negative breast cancer references a specific type of cancer which does not express common cancer receptors such as Herceptin. This makes treatment of this kind of cancer very difficult. Recently, researchers at University of Ottawa, National Research Council Canada used mPEG-PLGA (cat# AK010) PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to create nanoparticles for delivery of mRNA. This research holds promise to provide for improved cancer therapy in the future. Read more: El-Sahli, Sara, Shireesha Manturthi, Emma Durocher, Yuxia Bo, Alexandra Akman, Christina Sannan, Melanie Kirkby et al. "Nanoparticle-Mediated mRNA Delivery to Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) Tumors." ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science (2025). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsptsci.4c00597
“mRNA-based therapies can overcome several challenges faced by traditional therapies in treating a variety of diseases by selectively modulating genes and proteins without genomic integration. However, due to mRNA’s poor stability and inherent limitations, nanoparticle (NP) platforms have been developed to deliver functional mRNA into cells. In cancer treatment, mRNA technology has multiple applications, such as restoration of tumor suppressors and activating antitumor immunity. Most of these applications have been evaluated using simple cell-line-based tumor models, which failed to represent the complexity, heterogeneity, and 3D architecture of patient tumors. This discrepancy has led to inconsistencies and failures in clinical translation. Compared to cell line models, patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models more accurately represent patient tumors and are better suitable for modeling. Therefore, for the first time, this study employed two different TNBC PDX tumors to examine the effects of the mRNA-NPs. mRNA-NPs are developed using EGFP-mRNA as a model and studied in TNBC cell lines, ex vivo TNBC PDX organotypic slice cultures, and in vivo TNBC PDX tumors. Our findings show that NPs can effectively accumulate in tumors after intravenous administration, protecting and delivering mRNA to PDX tumors with different genetic and chemosensitivity backgrounds. These studies offer more clinically relevant modeling systems for mRNA nanotherapies in cancer applications. Keywords: nanoparticles mRNA delivery gene restoration TNBC patient-derived xenograft Cancer Cancer therapy Cells Imaging probes Tumors”
mPEG-PLGA (Cat# AK010): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AK010#h
Akina, Inc. launches new GMP manufacturing service available to outside customers https://www.akinainc.com/midwestgmp/
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA from PolySciTech used in development of particle based delivery system for glaucoma therapy.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 11:42 AM ET
Glaucoma is a degenerative ocular disease related to increased ocular pressure. Researchers at University of North Texas used PLGA (cat# AP082) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop particles loaded with novel drug compounds and tested these for use in reducing ocular pressure. This research holds promise to improve therapy against glaucoma. Read more: Amankwa, Charles E., Biddut DebNath, Jennifer H. Pham, Gretchen A. Johnson, Wei Zhang, Amalendu Ranjan, Dorota L. Stankowska, and Suchismita Acharya. "Optimized PLGA Encapsulated SA-2 Nanosuspension Exhibits Sustained Intraocular Pressure Reduction in the Mouse Microbead Occlusion Model of Ocular Hypertension." European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2025): 107016. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0928098725000156
“Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is implicated in the structural and functional damage to the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Topical IOP lowering agents provide short-term relief, necessitating frequent dosing. Moreover, non-adherence to frequent eyedrops administration contributes significantly to visual field loss and worsens the disease outcome. We optimized the poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles encapsulation of hybrid antioxidant-nitric oxide donor SA-2 (SA-2NP), investigated its bioavailability, duration of IOP lowering efficacy, and effects on retinal function in the microbead model of ocular hypertension (OHT). SA-2 was bioavailable in the anterior and posterior segments after 1, 8, and 24 h post-single topical eyedrop administration. SA-2NP significantly lowered IOP (∼25-34%) and preserved the RGC function after weekly eyedrop administration for 3 weeks in C57BL/6J mice. In conclusion, the optimized SA-2NP formulation demonstrated the desired bioavailability, ocular safety, and prolonged IOP-lowering efficacy in the mouse microbead occlusion model of OHT. SA-2 is a small hybrid molecule with both nitric-oxide donating (in blue) and superoxide dismutase mimetic (in red) activities. Compound SA-2 improves mitochondrial respiration in human trabecular meshwork cells and neuroprotective retinal ganglion cells. Here, we report that an optimized SA-2 loaded poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticle formulation, when instilled as an eye drop, improved the delivery and bioavailability of SA-2 in the mouse eye. Topical administration of SA-2NPs eye drops was efficacious in lowering intra-ocular pressure (IOP) in a rodent microbead occlusion model of ocular hypertension with ∼6 days of sustained IOP lowering (25-32%) after a single dose. Keywords: PLGA nanoparticles SA-2 intraocular pressure primary open-angle glaucoma bioavailability retinal protection sustained release”
PLGA (Cat# AP082): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP082#h
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA from PolySciTech used in development of triphasic bone tissue scaffold
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 2:47 PM ET
Healing of bone tissue is difficult and requires some form of scaffolding or other support structure for cells to grow on. Researchers at University of California (Riverside) used PLGA (AP049) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop a multicomponent bone tissue scaffold. This holds promise to provide for treatment of injuries or other bone defects. Read more: Wetteland, Cheyann, Changlu Xu, Sebo Michelle Wang, Chaoxing Zhang, Elizabeth Juntilla Ang, Cole Gabriel Azevedo, and Huinan Hannah Liu. "Engineering the Ratios of Nanoparticles Dispersed in Triphasic Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2025). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsami.4c14712
“Polymer/ceramic nanocomposites integrated the advantages of both polymers and ceramics for a wide range of biomedical applications, such as bone tissue repair. Here, we reported triphasic poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA, LA/GA = 90:10) nanocomposites with improved dispersion of hydroxyapatite (HA) and magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles using a process that integrated the benefits of ultrasonic energy and dual asymmetric centrifugal mixing. We characterized the microstructure and composition of the nanocomposites and evaluated the effects of the HA/MgO ratios on degradation behavior and cell–material interactions. The PLGA/HA/MgO nanocomposites were composed of 70 wt % PLGA and 30 wt % nanoparticles made of 20:10, 25:5, and 29:1% by weight of HA and MgO, respectively. The results showed that the nanocomposites had a homogeneous nanoparticle distribution and as-designed elemental composition. The cell study indicated that reducing the MgO content in the triphasic nanocomposite increased the BMSC adhesion density under both direct and indirect contact conditions. Specifically, after the 24 and 48 h of culture, the PLGA/HA/MgO group with a weight ratio of 70:29:1 (P70/H29/M1) exhibited the greatest average cell adhesion density under direct and indirect contact conditions among triphasic nanocomposites. During a 28-day degradation study, the mass loss of triphasic nanocomposites was 18 ± 2% for P70/H20/M10, 9 ± 2% for P70/H25/M5, and 7 ± 1% for P70/H29/M1, demonstrating that MgO nanoparticles accelerated the degradation of the nanocomposites. Postculture analysis showed that the pH values and Mg2+ ion concentrations in the media increased with increasing MgO content in the nanocomposites. Triphasic nanocomposites provided different degradation profiles that can be tuned for different biomedical applications, especially when a shorter or longer period of degradation would be desirable for optimal bone tissue regeneration. The concentration and ratio of nanoparticles should be adjusted and optimized when other polymers with different degradation modes and rates are used in the nanocomposites.”
PLGA (Cat# AP049): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP049#h
Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
mPEG-DMAEMA from PolySciTech used in development of pH Sensitive thermogel for treatment of ovarian cancer
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 4:38 PM ET
Ovarian cancer is asymptomatic in early stages and has a poor prognosis once it has received an advanced stage. Delivery of chemotherapeutic agents in a localized manner can provide for treatment especially of drug-resistant forms of ovarian cancer. Researchers at Chungbuk National University, University of Oklahoma, Sookmyung Women’s University, and CTCBIO Inc. used mPEG-DMAEMA (AO019) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to create thermogel solution for delivery of paclitaxel and olaparib. This research holds promise to improve treatment of ovarian cancer. Read more: Jo, Min Jeong, Moon Sup Yoon, Seo Yeon Kim, Jae Min Lee, Su Jeong Kang, Chun-Woong Park, Jin-Seok Kim, Je-Hyun Yoon, and Dae Hwan Shin. "A combination formulation of TPGS micelles loaded with paclitaxel and olaparib and a pH-thermosensitive hydrogel for treating peritoneal metastasis and drug-resistant ovarian cancer." Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation (2025): 1-17. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40005-024-00705-7
“Purpose: Ovarian cancer (OC) is difficult to detect early; therefore, it is highly likely to advance to peritoneal metastasis at the time of diagnosis. Moreover, multi-drug resistance (MDR) results in a high recurrence rate. To address these issues, the present study aimed to design an intraperitoneally administered formulation combining a d-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) micelles loaded with paclitaxel (PTX) and olaparib (OLA) and a pH-thermosensitive hydrogel. Methods: To assess PTX and OLA’s synergistic effects, we evaluated the combination index (CI) at various molar ratios and physicochemical properties of the formulations and carried out both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Results: PTX and OLA showed a synergistic effect at all ratios, and considering the various physicochemical properties, a 1:4 ratio using 50 mg of TPGS and a gel polymer concentration of 12.5% w/v was identified as the optimum formulation. In vitro cytotoxicity and cellular uptake assays demonstrated high cytotoxicity of the TPGS micelles compared to those of the free drug and methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(ε-caprolactone) (mPEG-PCL) micelles (control) in all formulation groups; TPGS micelles also increased cellular uptake efficiency. Drug release profiles in vitro demonstrated that both PTX and OLA had a release pattern influenced by pH levels, with the slowest release observed at pH 7.4. In vitro and in vivo drug release profiles showed similar release patterns, with PTX showing slower release than OLA. Conclusion: The final formulation of this study represents a promising therapeutic strategy for OC; however, due to potential toxicity issues of the polymer, its clinical application needs to be further studied.”
PDMAEMA-PEG (Cat# AO019): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AO019#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA from PolySciTech used in developing hyaluronic acid-PLGA-irinotecan to create nanoconjugates for colorectal cancer treatment
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 4:37 PM ET
Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains one of the most prevalent cancers with high mortality rates globally. There is limited potential for therapy due to toxic side effects from systemic delivery of chemotherapeutics. Researchers at Pusan National University and Korea University used PLGA (AP037) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to chemically conjugate hyaluronic acid and irinotecan together to make prodrug nanoconjugates. This research holds promise to provide for treatment of colorectal cancer. Read more: Lee, Juho, Jihyun Kim, Dongmin Kwak, Hyunwoo Kim, Muneeb Ullah, Min Chan Kim, Kyu Hyun et al. "On-site sol-gel-sol transition of alginate enables reversible shielding/deshielding of tumor cell-activated nanoconjugates for precise local colorectal cancer therapy." Chemical Engineering Journal 505 (2025): 158935. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385894724104263
“Highlights: Alg/CTNCs were developed as an orally administrable precise local CRC therapeutic. Alg/CTNCs exhibited on-site sol-gel-sol transition during GI tract passage. Interactions with the small intestinal epithelium and premature drug loss were prevented. In the colorectum, CTNCs liberated from Alg/CTNCs selectively accumulated in CRC tissues. Tumor esterase facilitated drug release from the CTNCs, resulting in potent antitumor effects. Abstract: Although local colorectal cancer (CRC) therapy can be achieved by delivering CRC-targeted nanoparticles directly to the tumor tissues within the colorectal cavity, bypassing systemic circulation through the oral administration route, physical entrapment of the nanoparticles by the small intestinal epithelium, and premature drug loss before reaching the colorectal cavity results in limited local therapeutic efficacy. To overcome these limitations, this study aimed to develop CRC cell-activated nanoconjugates (CTNCs)-in-alginate (Alg/CTNCs). After oral administration, Alg/CTNCs undergo a sol-gel transition upon exposure to gastric acid, and the alginate gel matrix effectively shields the incorporated CTNCs, preventing unwanted interactions with the intestinal epithelium and drug loss before reaching the colorectum. Upon reaching the colorectum, the elevated pH triggers a gel-sol transition in the gelated Alg/CTNCs, and the deshielded CTNCs from the alginate gel matrix show highly CRC-selective accumulation. Finally, drugs are released in response to intracellular esterase, ultimately leading to potent local antitumor effects without systemic side effects. These findings suggest that the reversible shielding/deshielding of nanomaterials during gastrointestinal tract passage, along with intratumoral environment-activated drug release strategies, enables precise local CRC therapy.”
PLGA (Cat# AP037): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP037#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA-PEG-PLGA nanogel system used in development of brain cancer treatment.
Friday, December 20, 2024, 2:23 PM ET
Glioblastoma is a common form of brain cancer which is difficult to treat. One way to bypass the blood-brain-barrier to deliver therapeutics to the site is to implant a nanogel system into the cranial cavity directly. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University, St. John’s University, and OncoGone, Inc. used PLGA-PEG-PLGA ( cat# AK012, AK019) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop a pellet system for controlled delivery of Temozolomide and paclitaxel to brain tumors. This research holds promise to improve cancer therapy in the future. Read more: Slika, Hasan, Aanya Shahani, Kranthi Gattu, Varsha Mundrathi, Ameilia A. Solan, Brianna Gonzalez, Tasmima N. Haque et al. "Intracranial Nanogel Pellets Carrying Temozolomide and Paclitaxel for Adjuvant Brain Cancer Therapy." Molecular Pharmaceutics (2024). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.4c00708
“Glioblastoma multiforme is the most frequently diagnosed primary malignant brain tumor. Despite multimodal therapy with surgical resection, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, recurrence of the tumor is almost always guaranteed due to the infiltrative nature of the disease. Moreover, the blood brain barrier imparts an additional layer of complexity by impeding the delivery of therapeutic agents to the tumor, hence limiting the efficacy of systemically delivered drugs. Hence, to overcome this obstacle and avoid treatment resistance, the local delivery of combination therapies has risen as an appealing adjuvant treatment. The present study describes the creation of a novel PLGA–PEG-PLGA-based nanogel pellet system for the interstitial delivery of Temozolomide (TMZ) and paclitaxel (PTX) to the brain. The nanogel pellet was shown to be stable as a pellet at ambient temperature, absorb water, change to a gel formulation at physiological temperature, and achieve gradual long-term release of TMZ and PTX in vitro. Additionally, in vivo testing of the TMZ/PTX-loaded nanogel pellets in an orthotopic CT2A mouse model and an orthotopic 9L rat model has shown an acceptable safety profile when implanted intracranially and a significant improvement in overall survival.”
PLGA-PEG-PLGA (Cat# AK012, AK019): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AK012#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
Fluorescent PLGA from PolySciTech used in development of carrier system for cell immunotherapy as treatment of infection.
Friday, December 13, 2024, 11:15 AM ET
Although periodontitis is an oral infection affecting teeth, it has been strongly associated with diseases of significantly higher morbidity and mortality such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. Macrophages (immune cells) can be directed to control immune response as well as healing and other biological processes by attaching cellular backpacks to them. Researchers at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Niigata University used PLGA-rhodamine and PLGA-CY5 (AV011, AV034) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop particles which can control macrophage behavior. This research holds promise to treat a wide range of disease states. Read more: Nakajima, Mayuka, Neha Kapate, John R. Clegg, Mayumi Ikeda-Imafuku, Kyung Soo Park, Ninad Kumbhojkar, Vinny Chandran Suja et al. "Backpack-carrying macrophage immunotherapy for periodontitis." Journal of Controlled Release 377 (2025): 315-323. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016836592400782X
“Highlights: M2 macrophages can suppress inflammation in periodontitis. IL-4 loaded cellular backpacks (BPs) were engineered for maintaining macrophages in M2 phenotype. M2 cells carrying IL-4 BPs (BP-M2 cells) were injected into the inflamed gingiva. M2 cells remained in the injected tissue and their therapeutic efficacy was observed. BP-M2 cells offer a promising local therapy for treating periodontitis. Abstract: Cell immunotherapy is a promising therapeutic modality to combat unmet medical needs. Macrophages offer a prominent cell therapy modality since their phenotypic plasticity allows them to perform a variety of roles including defending against pathogens, inducing/suppressing adaptive immunity, and aiding in wound healing. At the same time, this plasticity is a major hurdle in implementation of macrophage therapy. This hurdle can be overcome by cellular backpacks (BPs), discoidal particles that adhere on the macrophage surface and regulate M1/M2 phenotypic shift in an environment-independent manner. In this study, we engineered IL-4 BPs for maintaining macrophages in the M2 phenotype to regulate excess inflammation in periodontitis, a major oral infectious disease. IL-4 BPs induced and maintained M2 phenotype in macrophages in vitro for several days. After injection of macrophages carrying IL-4 BPs into the gingiva, the cells stayed in the tissue for over 5 days and maintained the M2 phenotype in the disease sites. Furthermore, treatment with IL-4 BP-macrophages significantly suppressed the disease progression. Altogether, a treatment with BP-carrying macrophages offers a promising local therapy against periodontitis.”
PLGA-Rhodamine (Cat# AV011): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AV011#h
PLGA-Rhodamine (Cat# AV034): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AV034#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM Polymer Products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
mPEG-PLGA from PolySciTech used in development of advanced radiotherapy of brain cancer
Monday, November 25, 2024, 9:29 AM ET
Glioblastoma is a form of brain cancer which has high mortality and limited treatment options. Currently only surgery and radiotherapy are available as treatments. Radiotherapy can be enhanced by delivery of radiosensitizers to the glioblastoma region. Researchers at Fuzhou University, Fujian Medical University School, and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University utilized mPEG-PLGA (AK037) to delivery hemin to glioblastoma to improve the efficacy of radiotherapy. This research holds promise to improve therapy of brain tumors in the future. Read more: Yang, Bo, Xiaohang Jiang, Yifan Liu, Guangwei Zheng, Yanjuan Li, Fuli Xin, and Feng Lu. "Erythrocyte Membrane-Camouflaged Hemin-Based Nanoplatform for Radiotherapy of Glioblastoma." ACS Applied Nano Materials (2024). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsanm.4c04992
“Glioblastoma, accounting for 44% of all malignant brain tumors, is characterized by a dismal prognosis due to high mortality, recurrence, and limited survival time. Current standard treatment, radiotherapy, is resistant to the tumor hypoxic microenvironment, which reduces the effect of radiotherapy. Here, we present a nanoplatform, PLGA-Hemin@RBCM (PHR), which leverages the catalase mimetic activity of hemin to convert tumor-elevated H2O2 into oxygen and hydroxyl radicals, improving tumor oxygenation and enhancing radiotherapy sensitivity. The PEG-PLGA nanomicelle delivery platform improves the biocompatibility and stability of the drug and delays the release of the drug. Camouflaging the nanoparticles with red blood cell membranes not only avoids immune clearance but also prolongs circulation time and enhances tumor accumulation via the EPR effect. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate the efficacy of our nanoplatform, offering a promising therapeutic strategy for glioblastoma management in the clinic.”
mPEG-PLGA (Cat# AK037): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AK037#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
Extrusion Process Optimization Research Performed Using Ashland PLGA Available for Distribution through PolySciTech
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 3:57 PM ET
Through a partnership with Ashland, PolySciTech provides distribution of PLGA products for non-clinical development purposes (https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/). Recently several of these polymers were utilized in research on hot-melt extrusion processing for development of long-acting implants. This research holds promise to provide for LAIs that can achieve desired drug release profiles for long-term patient care. Read more: Yang, Fengyuan, Ryan Stahnke, Kamaru Lawal, Cory Mahnen, Patrick Duffy, Shuyu Xu, and Thomas Durig. "Development of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)(PLGA) based implants using hot melt extrusion (HME) for sustained release of drugs: The impacts of PLGA’s material characteristics." International Journal of Pharmaceutics 663 (2024): 124556. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378517324007907
“Hot melt extrusion (HME) processed Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) implant is one of the commercialized drug delivery products, which has solid, well-designed shape and rigid structures that afford efficient locoregional drug delivery on the spot of interest for months. In general, there are a variety of material, processing, and physiological factors that impact the degradation rates of PLGA-based implants and concurrent drug release kinetics. The objective of this study was to investigate the impacts of PLGA’s material characteristics on PLGA degradation and subsequent drug release behavior from the implants. Three model drugs (Dexamethasone, Carbamazepine, and Metformin hydrochloride) with different water solubility and property were formulated with different grades of PLGAs possessing distinct co-polymer ratios, molecular weights, end groups, and levels of residual monomer (high/ViatelTM and low/ ViatelTM Ultrapure). Physicochemical characterizations revealed that the plasticity of PLGA was inversely proportional to its molecular weight; moreover, the residual monomer could impose a plasticizing effect on PLGA, which increased its thermal plasticity and enhanced its thermal processability. Although the morphology and microstructure of the implants were affected by many factors, such as processing parameters, polymer and drug particle size and distribution, polymer properties and polymer-drug interactions, implants prepared with ViatelTM PLGA showed a smoother surface and a stronger PLGA-drug intimacy than the implants with ViatelTM Ultrapure PLGA, due to the higher plasticity of the ViatelTM PLGA. Subsequently, the implants with ViatelTM PLGA exhibited less burst release than implants with ViatelTM Ultrapure PLGA, however, their onset and progress of the lag and substantial release phases were shorter and faster than the ViatelTM Ultrapure PLGA-based implants, owing to the residual monomer accelerated the water diffusion and autocatalyzed PLGA hydrolysis. Even though the drug release profiles were also influenced by other factors, such as composition, drug properties and polymer-drug interaction, all three cases revealed that the residual monomer accelerated the swelling and degradation of PLGA and impaired the implant’s integrity, which could negatively affect the subsequent drug release behavior and performance of the implants. These results provided insights to formulators on rational PLGA implant design and polymer selection.”
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
Video: https://youtu.be/h2JEHB5Uvz0
mPEG-PLGA from PolySciTech used in development of mRNA delivery system for cancer therapy.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 4:09 PM ET
The ability to deliver mRNA to cells enable direct formation of desired therapeutic or immune-controlling proteins at the cells directly. This has previously been used as part of the covid vaccine though the technique can also be used for therapies against cancer as well. Researchers at University of Ottawa used mPEG-PLGA (cat# AK010) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop particles to deliver mRNA to tumor cells. This research holds promise to provide for further treatment options for cancer in the future. Read more: El-Sahli, Sara, Shireesha Manturthi, Emma Durocher, Yuxia Bo, Alexandra Akman, Christina Sannan, Melanie Kirkby et al. "Nanoparticle-mediated mRNA delivery to TNBC PDX tumors." (2024). https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-4892937/latest
“mRNA-based therapies can overcome several challenges faced by traditional therapies in treating a variety of diseases by selectively modulating genes/proteins without genomic integration. However, due to mRNA’s poor stability and inherent limitations, nanoparticle (NP) platforms have been developed to deliver functional mRNA into cells. In cancer treatment, mRNA technology has multiple applications, such as restoration of tumor suppressors and activating anti-tumor immunity. Most of these applications have been evaluated using simple cell line-based tumor models, which failed to represent the complexity, heterogeneity, and 3D architecture of patient tumors. This discrepancy has led to inconsistencies and failures in clinical translation. Compared to cell line models, Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models more accurately represent patient tumors and are better suitable for modeling. Therefore, for the first time, this study employed two different TNBC PDX tumors to examine the effects of mRNA-NPs. mRNA-NPs are developed using EGFP-mRNA as a model and studied in TNBC cell lines, ex vivo TNBC PDX organotypic slice cultures, and in vivoTNBC PDX tumors. Our findings show that NPs can effectively accumulate in tumors after intravenous administration, protecting and delivering mRNA to PDX tumors with different genetic and chemosensitivity backgrounds. These studies offer more clinically relevant modeling systems for mRNA nanotherapies for cancer applications.”
mPEG-PLGA (Cat# AK010): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AK010#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA-Rhodamine from PolySciTech used in development of CBD and BDNF brain delivery system for treatment of Alzheimer's
Friday, October 25, 2024, 4:10 PM ET
Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic, degenerative condition which leads to memory loss. Researchers at North Dakota State University used PLGA-Rhodamine (AV011) and PLGA (AP018) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop nanoparticles targeting the brain. These were used for the delivery of Cannabidiol (CBD) (anti-inflammatory) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This research holds promise to provide for treatment against Alzheimer’s disease. Read more: Mahanta, Arun Kumar, Bivek Chaulagain, Riddhi Trivedi, and Jagdish Singh. "Mannose-Functionalized Chitosan-Coated PLGA Nanoparticles for Brain-Targeted Codelivery of CBD and BDNF for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease." ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2024). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acschemneuro.4c00392
“Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative disease causing cognitive and memory decline. AD is characterized by the deposition of amyloid-β and hypophosphorylated forms of tau protein. AD brains are found to be associated with neurodegeneration, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Cannabidiol (CBD) shows neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties and simultaneously reduces amyloid-β production and tau hyperphosphorylation. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of the plasticity of the central nervous system. A decline of BDNF levels in AD patients results in reduced plasticity and neuronal cell death. Current therapeutics against AD are limited to only symptomatic relief, necessitating a therapeutic strategy that reverses cognitive decline. In this scenario, combination therapy of CBD and BDNF could be a fruitful strategy for the treatment of AD. We designed mannose-conjugated chitosan-coated poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) (CHTMAN-PLGA) nanoparticles for the codelivery of CBD and BDNF to the brain. Chitosan is modified with mannose to specifically target the glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-1) receptor abundantly present in the blood–brain barrier for selectively delivering therapeutics to the brain. The CBD-encapsulated nanoparticles showed an average hydrodynamic diameter of 306 ± 8.12 nm and a zeta potential of 31.7 ± 1.53 mV. The coated nanoparticles prolonged encapsulated CBD release from the PLGA matrix. The coated nanoparticles exhibited sustained release of CBD for up to 22 days with 91.68 ± 2.91% release of the encapsulated drug. The coated nanoparticles, which had a high positive zeta potential (31.7 ± 1.53 mV), encapsulated the plasmid DNA. The qualitative transfection efficiency was investigated using CHTMAN-PLGA-CBD/pGFP in bEND.3, primary astrocytes, and primary neurons, while the quantitative transfection efficiency of the delivery system was determined using CHTMAN-PLGA-CBD/pBDNF. In vitro, the pBDNF transfection study revealed that the BDNF expression was 4-fold higher for CHTMAN-PLGA-CBD/pBDNF than for naked pBDNF in all of the cell lines. The cytotoxicity and hemocompatibility of the designed nanoparticles were tested in bEND.3 cells and red blood cells, respectively, and the nanoparticles were found to be nontoxic and hemocompatible. Hence, mannose-conjugated chitosan-coated PLGA nanoparticles could be useful as brain-targeting delivery vehicles for the codelivery of CBD and BDNF for possible AD treatment.”
PLGA-Rhodamine (Cat# AV011): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AV011#h
PLGA (Cat# AP018): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP018#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
mPEG-PLA from PolySciTech used in development of phototherapy treatment of cancer.
Friday, October 25, 2024, 4:09 PM ET
A common problem with chemotherapy is the non-specific delivery of drugs to healthy cells which causes systemic side effects. Phototherapy uses a combination of an injectable formulation with an illumination trigger applied to the site of the tumor. The formulation remains relatively inert until it interacts with the light to deliver the drug. Researchers at The State University of New York used mPEG-PLA (AK009) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop nanoparticles which can be triggered to release paclitaxel upon exposure to illumination. This research holds promise to provide treatment of cancer in the future. Read more: Giram, Prabhanjan, Ganesh Bist, Sukyung Woo, Elizabeth Wohlfert, Roberto Pili, and Youngjae You. "Prodrugs of paclitaxel improve in situ photo‐vaccination." Photochemistry and Photobiology (2024). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/php.14025
“Abstract: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) effectively kills cancer cells and initiates immune responses that promote anticancer effects locally and systemically. Primarily developed for local and regional cancers, the potential of PDT for systemic antitumor effects [in situ photo-vaccination (ISPV)] remains underexplored. This study investigates: (1) the comparative effectiveness of paclitaxel (PTX) prodrug [Pc-(L-PTX)2] for PDT and site-specific PTX effects versus its pseudo-prodrug [Pc-(NCL-PTX)2] for PDT combined with checkpoint inhibitors; (2) mechanisms driving systemic antitumor effects; and (3) the prophylactic impact on preventing cancer recurrence. A bilateral tumor model was established in BALB/c mice through subcutaneous injection of CT26 cells. Mice received the PTX prodrug (0.5 μmole kg−1, i.v.), and tumors were treated with a 690-nm laser (75 mW cm−2 for 30 min, drug-light interval 0.5 h, light does 135 J cm−1), followed by anti-CTLA-4 (100 μg dose−1, i.p.) on days 1, 4, and 7. Notable enhancement in both local and systemic antitumor effectiveness was observed with [Pc-(L-PTX)2] compared to [Pc-(NCL-PTX)2] with checkpoint inhibitor. Immune cell depletion and immunohistochemistry confirmed neutrophils and CD8+ T cells are effectors for systemic antitumor effects. Treatment-induced immune memory resisted newly rechallenged CT26, showcasing prophylactic benefits. ISPV with a PTX prodrug and anti-CTLA-4 is a promising approach for treating metastatic cancers and preventing recurrence.”
mPEG-PLA (Cat# AK009): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AK009#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA-PEG-COOH from Akina used in development of nanoparticles for drug delivery to colorectal cancer.
Monday, October 21, 2024, 4:45 PM ET
Colorectal cancer is a prevalent disease with estimated 1.93 million new cases in 2020. Researchers at Nazarbayev University and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University used PLGA-PEG-COOH (AI078) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop CASIN loaded nanoparticles for targeted therapy of colorectal cancer. This research holds promise to provide for treatment of cancer. Read more: Kadyr, Sanazar, Altyn Zhuraliyeva, Aislu Yermekova, Aigerim Makhambetova, Daulet B. Kaldybekov, Ellina A. Mun, Denis Bulanin, Sholpan N. Askarova, and Bauyrzhan A. Umbayev. "PLGA-PEG Nanoparticles Loaded with Cdc42 Inhibitor for Colorectal Cancer Targeted Therapy." Pharmaceutics 16, no. 10 (2024): 1301. https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4923/16/10/1301
“Abstract: Background/Objectives: An inhibitor of small Rho GTPase Cdc42, CASIN, has been shown to reduce cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion, yet it has several limitations, including rapid drug elimination and low bioavailability, which prevents its systemic administration. In this study, we designed and characterized a nanoparticle-based delivery system for CASIN encapsulated within poly(lactide-co-glycolide)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)-carboxylic acid endcap nanoparticles (PLGA-PEG-COOH NPs) for targeted inhibition of Cdc42 activity in colon cancer. Methods: We applied DLS, TEM, and UV–vis spectroscopy methods to characterize the size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, encapsulation efficiency, loading capacity, and in vitro drug release of the synthesized nanoparticles. The CCK-8 cell viability test was used to study colorectal cancer cell growth in vitro. Results: We showed that CASIN-PLGA-PEG-COOH NPs were smooth, spherical, and had a particle size of 86 ± 1 nm, with an encapsulation efficiency of 66 ± 5% and a drug-loading capacity of 5 ± 1%. CASIN was gradually released from NPs, reaching its peak after 24 h, and could effectively inhibit the proliferation of HT-29 (IC50 = 19.55 µM), SW620 (IC50 = 9.33 µM), and HCT116 (IC50 = 10.45 µM) cells in concentrations ranging between 0.025–0.375 mg/mL. CASIN-PLGA-PEG-COOH NPs demonstrated low hemolytic activity with a hemolytic ratio of less than 1% for all tested concentrations. Conclusion: CASIN-PLGA-PEG-COOH NPs have high encapsulation efficiency, sustained drug release, good hemocompatibility, and antitumor activity in vitro. Our results suggest that PLGA-PEG-COOH nanoparticles loaded with CASIN show potential as a targeted treatment for colorectal cancer and could be recommended for further in vivo evaluation. Keywords: Cdc42; CASIN; colorectal cancer; PLGA-PEG-COOH; nanoparticles”
PLGA-PEG-COOH (Cat# AI078): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AI078#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PCL from PolySciTech used in development of nano-polyhedron drug delivery platform.
Monday, October 14, 2024, 4:22 PM ET
Combinations of metal compounds with polymers can enable unique drug-delivery options. Researchers at China Three Gorges University used PCL (AP257) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to create mixed nanoparticles containing selenium and Riboflavin as a model drug delivery system. This research holds promise to provide for a wide array of targeted delivery applications. Read more: Zhu, Lixian, Yanhua Wang, Luping Rao, and Xin Yu. "Se-incorporated polycaprolactone spherical polyhedron enhanced vitamin B2 loading and prolonged release for potential application in proliferative skin disorders." Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 245 (2025): 114295. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092777652400554X
“Highlights: The introduction of Se into PCL@VitB2 spherical polyhedrons reduces their particle size and crystallinity. Se-PCL spherical polyhedrons perform higher loading efficiency for Vitamin B2 than pure PCL spherical polyhedrons. Se-PCL@VitB2 spherical polyhedrons exhibit slowly prolonged Vitamin B2 release in physical buffers. Se-PCL@VitB2 spherical polyhedrons present strong inhibitory effect on the growth of epidermal HaCat cells, but are compatible to BMSC cells. Abstract: Development of novel drug vehicles for vitamin B2 (VitB2) delivery is very important for designing controllable release system to improve epidermal growth and bone metabolism. In this work, selenium (Se)-incorporated polycaprolactone (PCL) spherical polyhedrons are successfully synthesized via a single emulsion solvent evaporation method which is utilized to load VitB2 to fabricate cell-responsive Se-PCL@VitB2 delivery systems. Their physicochemical properties are characterized by DLS, SEM, XRD, FTIR, and TGA-DSC. The release kinetics of VitB2 or Se from the samples are investigated in PBS solution (pH = 2.0, 5.0, 7.4, 8.0 and 12.0). The cytocompatibilities are also evaluated with normal BMSC and epidermal HaCat cells. Results exhibit that Se-PCL@VitB2 particles presents spherical polyhedral morphology (approximately (3.25 ± 0.46) μm), negative surface charge (-(54.03 ± 2.94) mV), reduced crystallinity and good degradability. Stability experiments imply that both VitB2 and Se might be uniformly dispersed in PCL matrix. And the incorporation of Se facilely promotes the loading of VitB2. The encapsulation efficiency and loading capacity are (98.42 ± 1.06)% and (76.25 ± 1.27) for Se-PCL@VitB2 sample. Importantly, it exhibits more prolonged release of both VitB2 and Se in neutral PBS solution (pH = 7.4) than other pH conditions. Presumably, the electrostatic interaction between Se, VitB2 and PCL contribute to its release mode. Cell experiments show that Se-PCL@VitB2 presents strong cytotoxicity to HaCat cells mainly due to the cytotoxic effect of Se anions and PCL degradation products. However, it exhibits weak inhibitory effect on BMSC cells. These note that the synthesized Se-PCL@VitB2 particles can be promising drug vehicles for potential application in epidermal proliferative disorders.”
PCL (Cat# AP257): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AP257#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA-PEG-Maleimide and PEG-PLGA used in development of nanoparticles for oral delivery of semaglutide
Monday, October 14, 2024, 4:21 PM ET
GLP1 agonists are widely used in treatment of diabetes and other disease states. These drugs have poor oral bioavailability. Researchers at Universidade do Porto, Novo Nordisk, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Roslagstullsbacken, University of Groningen used PLGA-PEG-Mal (AI110) and mPEG-PLGA (AK106) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop nanoparticles to pass through the intestine to provide for oral delivery of semaglutide. This research holds promise to provide for improved treatment of diabetes. Read more: Pinto, Soraia, Juliana Viegas, Cecília Cristelo, Catarina Pacheco, Sofia Barros, Stephen T. Buckley, Javad Garousi, Torbjörn Gräslund, Hélder A. Santos, and Bruno Sarmento. "Bioengineered Nanomedicines Targeting the Intestinal Fc Receptor Achieve the Improved Glucoregulatory Effect of Semaglutide in a Type 2 Diabetic Mice Model." ACS nano (2024). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsnano.4c11172
“The oral administration of the glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue, semaglutide, remains a hurdle due to its limited bioavailability. Herein, neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)-targeted nanoparticles (NPs) were designed to enhance the oral delivery of semaglutide. The nanocarriers were covalently linked to the FcRn-binding peptide FcBP or the affibody molecule ZFcRn that specifically binds to the human FcRn (hFcRn) in a pH-dependent manner. These FcRn-targeted ligands were selected over the endogenous ligands of the receptor (albumin and IgG) due to their smaller size and simpler structure, which could facilitate the transport of functionalized NPs through the tissues. The capacity of FcRn-targeted semaglutide-NPs in controlling the blood glucose levels was evaluated in an hFcRn transgenic mice model, where type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) was induced via intraperitoneal injection of nicotinamide followed by streptozotocin. The encapsulation of semaglutide into FcRn-targeted NPs was translated in an improved glucoregulatory effect in T2DM-induced mice when compared to the oral free semaglutide or nontargeted NP groups, after daily oral administrations for 7 days. Notably, a similar glucose-lowering response was observed between both FcRn-targeted NPs and the subcutaneous semaglutide groups. An increase in insulin pancreatic content and a recovery in β cell mass were visualized in the mice treated with FcRn-targeted semaglutide-NPs. The biodistribution of fluorescently labeled NPs through the gastrointestinal tract demonstrated that the nanosystems targeting the hFcRn are retained longer in the ileum and colorectum, where the expression of FcRn is more prevalent, than nontargeted NPs. Therefore, FcRn-targeted nanocarriers proved to be an effective platform for improving the pharmacological effect of semaglutide in a T2DM-induced mice model.”
PEG-PLGA (Cat# AK106): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AK106#h
PLGA-PEG-Mal (Cat# AI110): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AI110#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
PLGA-PEG-amine from PolySciTech used in development of nanoparticles for brain-tissue penetration
Monday, September 30, 2024, 2:11 PM ET
Delivery of medicinal molecules into the brain is difficult due to the blood-brain-barrier. Researchers at University of Technology Sydney and The University of Adelaide used PLGA-PEG-NH2 (AI058) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to develop nanoparticles enveloped in a protein corona. They used these particles to investigate mechanisms of uptake and delivery in brain tissue. This research holds promise to provide for improved therapies against brain diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. Read more: Morshed, Nabila, Claire Rennie, Wei Deng, Lyndsey Collins-Praino, and Andrew Care. "Serum-derived protein coronas affect nanoparticle interactions with brain cells." Nanotechnology 35, no. 49 (2024): 495101. https://new.iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6528/ad7b40
“Neuronanomedicine is an emerging field bridging the gap between neuromedicine and novel nanotherapeutics. Despite promise, clinical translation of neuronanomedicine remains elusive, possibly due to a dearth of information regarding the effect of the protein corona on these neuronanomedicines. The protein corona, a layer of proteins adsorbed to nanoparticles following exposure to biological fluids, ultimately determines the fate of nanoparticles in biological systems, dictating nanoparticle–cell interactions. To date, few studies have investigated the effect of the protein corona on interactions with brain-derived cells, an important consideration for the development of neuronanomedicines. Here, two polymeric nanoparticles, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and PLGA-polyethylene glycol (PLGA-PEG), were used to obtain serum-derived protein coronas. Protein corona characterization and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry analysis revealed distinct differences in biophysical properties and protein composition. PLGA protein coronas contained high abundance of globins (60%) and apolipoproteins (21%), while PLGA-PEG protein coronas contained fewer globins (42%) and high abundance of protease inhibitors (28%). Corona coated PLGA nanoparticles were readily internalized into microglia and neuronal cells, but not into astrocytes. Internalization of nanoparticles was associated with pro-inflammatory cytokine release and decreased neuronal cell viability, however, viability was rescued in cells treated with corona coated nanoparticles. These results showcase the importance of the protein corona in mediating nanoparticle–cell interactions.”
PLGA-PEG-Mal (Cat# AI058): https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/index.php?highlight=AI058#h
NEW: Corbion Purasorb® Polymers: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/purasorb/
NEW: Ashland-TM products: https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/ashland/
Video link: https://youtu.be/d3Z4GLgzcss
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