Publications from researchers using our products.
956 publications reference products from PolySciTech division, Akina, Inc.
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Research using PolySciTech product: AV015
Uses Products
Freitas, Rui, Eduardo Ferreira, Andreia Miranda, Dylan Ferreira, Marta Relvas-Santos, Flávia Castro, Beatriz Santos et al. . "Targeted and Self-Adjuvated Nanoglycovaccine Candidate for Cancer Immunotherapy". ACS nano 18, no. 14 (2024): 10088-10103
Product Used: AV015, AI110
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell
Pinto, Soraia, Mahya Hosseini, Stephen T. Buckley, Wen Yin, Javad Garousi, Torbjörn Gräslund, Sven van Ijzendoorn, Hélder A. Santos, and Bruno Sarmento. "Nanoparticles targeting the intestinal Fc receptor enhance intestinal cellular trafficking of semaglutide". Journal of Controlled Release 366 (2024): 621-636.
Product Used: AV015
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Florczyk, S.J., Hotaling, N.A., Simon, M., Chalfoun, J., Horenberg, A.L., Schaub, N.J., Wang, D., Szczypiński, P.M., DeFelice, V.L., Bajcsy, P. and Simon Jr, C.G.. "Measuring dimensionality of cell‐scaffold contacts of primary human bone marrow stromal cells cultured on electrospun fiber scaffolds". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2022
Product Used: AV015
Product Usage: Cell-Scaffold
Martins, Cláudia, Catarina Pacheco, Catarina Moreira-Barbosa, Ângela Marques-Magalhães, Sofia Dias, Marco Araújo, Maria J. Oliveira, and Bruno Sarmento. "Glioblastoma immuno-endothelial multicellular microtissue as a 3D in vitro evaluation tool of anti-cancer nano-therapeutics". Journal of Controlled Release 353 (2023): 77-95.
Product Used: AV015
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Wu, Bin. "Extremely small nanoparticles of degradable polymers". U.S. Patent Application 15/897,371, filed January 24, 2019
Product Used: AV017, AV018, AV016, AV013, AV015, AV001, AV006, AV011, AI016, AI025, AI096, AI052, AI078, AI087, AI021, AI086
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Kennedy, Patrick J., Flavia Sousa, Daniel Ferreira, Carla Pereira, Marika Nestor, Carla Oliveira, Pedro L. Granja, and Bruno Sarmento. "Fab-conjugated PLGA nanoparticles effectively target cancer cells expressing human CD44v6". Acta Biomaterialia (2018)
Product Used: AV015, AI110
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell
Kennedy, Patrick J., Ines Perreira, Daniel Ferreira, Marika Nestor, Carla Oliveira, Pedro L. Granja, and Bruno Sarmento. "Impact of Surfactants on the Target Recognition of Fab-Conjugated PLGA Nanoparticles". European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics (2018)
Product Used: AV015, AI110
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell
Kennedy, Patrick Joseph. "Targeting of human CD44v6 with engineered nanoparticles for gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis and therapy". PhD Dissertation (2018)
Product Used: AV015, AI110
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell
Martins, Cláudia, Francisca Araújo, Maria João Gomes, Carlos Fernandes, Rute Nunes, Wei Li, Hélder A. Santos, Fernanda Borges, and Bruno Sarmento. "Using microfluidic platforms to develop CNS-targeted polymeric nanoparticles for HIV therapy". European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2018
Product Used: AV015
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Bajcsy, Peter, Soweon Yoon, Stephen J. Florczyk, Nathan A. Hotaling, Mylene Simon, Piotr M. Szczypinski, Nicholas J. Schaub, Carl G. Simon, Mary Brady, and Ram D. Sriram. "Modeling, validation and verification of three-dimensional cell-scaffold contacts from terabyte-sized images". BMC Bioinformatics 18, no. 1 (2017): 526
Product Used: AV015
Product Usage: Cell-Scaffold