
Publications from researchers using our products.

930 publications reference products from PolySciTech division, Akina, Inc.

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Research using PolySciTech product: AP103


Uses Products

Koliqi, Rozafa, Arlinda Daka Grapci, Pranvera Breznica Selmani, and Vuk Uskoković. . "Gene Expression Effects of the Delivery of SN-38 via Poly (DL-lactide-co-caprolactone) Nanoparticles Comprising Dense and Collapsed Poloxamer Coronae". Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation (2022): 1-9.
Product Used: AP103
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Koliqi, Rozafa, Simona Dimchevska, Nikola Geskovski, Gjorgji Petruševski, Marina Chacorovska, Biljana Pejova, Delyan R Hristov, Sonja Ugarkovic, and Katerina Goracinova. "PEO-PPO-PEO/Poly (DL-lactide-co-caprolactone) Nanoparticles as Carriers for SN-38: Design, Optimization and Nano-Bio Interface Interactions". Current drug delivery 13, no. 3 (2016): 339-352.
Product Used: AP103
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


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