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Research using PolySciTech product: AP041


Uses Products

Martinez Perez, David, Ines Reigada, Jayendra Z Patel, Jari Yli-Kauhaluoma, Leena Hanski, Michał Srebrzynski, Maciej Spychalski, Emilia Choinska, Adyary Fallarero, and Wojciech Święszkowski. "Drop on Demand Antimicrobial Printed Coatings Loaded with Dehydroabietic Acid Derivative to Prevent Orthopedic Implant Infections". SSRN 4633087
Product Used: AP081, AP041
Product Usage: Coating

Ren, Honglei, Shanlin Xiang, Aiguo Liu, Qian Wang, Nian Zhou, and Zhenming Hu. "A noval noninvasive targeted therapy for osteosarcoma: the combination of LIFU and ultrasound-magnetic-mediated SPIO/TP53/PLGA nanobubble". Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 12 (2024): 1418903.
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Shah, Devanshi Piyush, Pallavi Raj Sharma, Rachit Agarwal, and Arnab Barik. "A septo-hypothalamic-medullary circuit directs stress-induced analgesia". eLife 13 (2024).
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Microparticle


Alam, Mohammad Anwar Ul, and Lamin Kassama. "Effect of different selected food processing techniques on control release kinetics of encapsulated lycopene in simulated human gastrointestinal tract". PhD Dissertation 2023
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Barik, Arnab, Devanshi Shah, Pallavi Raj Sharma, and Rachit Agarwal. "The lateral septum plays a transforming role in acute stress-induced analgesia". bioRxiv (2023): 2023-01.
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Microparticle

Giolando, Patrick A., Kelsey Hopkins, Barrett Davis, Nicole Vike, Adib Ahmadzadegan, Arezoo Ardekani, Pavlos Vlachos, Joseph Rispoli, Luis Solorio, and Tamara L. Kinzer‐Ursem. "Mechanistic computational modeling of implantable, bioresorbable, drug release systems". Advanced Materials (2023): 2301698.
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: In-Situ Gel

Martínez-Pérez, David, Clara Guarch-Pérez, Muhammad Abiyyu Kenichi Purbayanto, Emilia Choińska, Martijn Riool, Sebastian AJ Zaat, and Wojciech Święszkowski. "3D-printed dual drug delivery nanoparticle loaded hydrogels to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria". International Journal of Bioprinting 9, no. 3 (2023).
Product Used: AP041, AP081
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

McBride, David A. "Design and Applications of Immunoregulatory Biomaterials in Autoimmune Disease". PhD diss., University of California, San Diego 2023.
Product Used: AP041, AV034
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

McBride, David A., Matthew D. Kerr, Wade T. Johnson, Anders Nguyen, Martina Zoccheddu, Mina Yao, Edward B. Prideaux et al.. "Immunomodulatory Microparticles Epigenetically Modulate T Cells and Systemically Ameliorate Autoimmune Arthritis". Advanced Science (2023): 2202720.
Product Used: AP041, AV034
Product Usage: Microparticle

Puente, Armando A., Oscar A. Ortega-Rivera, David M. Wirth, Jonathan K. Pokorski, and Nicole F. Steinmetz. "Melt Processing Virus-Like Particle-Based Vaccine Candidates into Biodegradable Polymer Implants". In Therapeutic Proteins: Methods and Protocols pp. 221-245. New York, NY: Springer US, 2023.
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Zheng, Yi. "Polymer Engineering Methods to Improve the Interface Between Materials Science and Biology". PhD diss., University of California, San Diego 2023
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Depot Implant


Dhanabalan, Kaamini M., Ameya A. Dravid, Smriti Agarwal, Ramanath K. Sharath, Ashok Kumar Padmanabhan, and Rachit Agarwal. "Intra‐articular Injection of Rapamycin Microparticles Prevent Senescence and Effectively Treat Osteoarthritis". Bioengineering & Translational Medicine e10298.
Product Used: AP041, AP089, AP036
Product Usage: Drug-Delivery

Hopkins, Kelsey, Elizabeth Wakelin, Natalie Romick, Jacqueline Kennedy, Emma Simmons, and Luis Solorio. "Basic Salt Additives Modulate the Acidic Microenvironment Around In Situ Forming Implants". Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2022): 1-11
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: In-Situ Gel

Santhanes, Diviya, Alex Wilkins, Huiming Zhang, Robert John Aitken, and Mingtao Liang. "Microfluidic formulation of lipid/polymer hybrid nanoparticles for plasmid DNA (pDNA) delivery". International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2022): 122223.
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Sharma, Pallavi Raj, Ameya Atul Dravid, Yeswanth Chakravarthy Kalapala, Vishal K. Gupta, Sharumathi Jeyasankar, Avijit Goswami, and Rachit Agarwal. "Cationic inhalable particles for enhanced drug delivery to M. tuberculosis infected macrophages". Biomaterials Advances 133 (2022): 112612
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Sharma, Pallavi Raj, Ameya Atul Dravid, Yeswanth Chakravarthy Kalapala, Vishal K. Gupta, Sharumathi Jeyasankar, Avijit Goswami, and Rachit Agarwal. "Cationic inhalable particles for enhanced drug delivery to M. tuberculosis infected macrophages". Biomaterials Advances 133 (2022): 112612
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Na Kyeong, Chi-Pin James Wang, Jaesung Lim, Wooram Park, Ho-Keun Kwon, Se-Na Kim, Tae-Hyung Kim, and Chun Gwon Park. "Impact of the conjugation of antibodies to the surfaces of polymer nanoparticles on the immune cell targeting abilities". Nano Convergence 8, no. 1 (2021): 1-11.
Product Used: AI053, AP041
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell

Ortega-Rivera, Oscar A., Matthew D. Shin, Angela Chen, Veronique Beiss, Miguel A. Moreno-Gonzalez, Miguel A. Lopez-Ramirez, Maria Reynoso et al. . "Trivalent Subunit Vaccine Candidates for COVID-19 and Their Delivery Devices". Journal of the American Chemical Society (2021)
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Drug-Delivery

Ortega‐Rivera, Oscar A., Jonathan K. Pokorski, and Nicole F. Steinmetz. "A Single‐Dose, Implant‐Based, Trivalent Virus‐like Particle Vaccine against “Cholesterol Checkpoint” Proteins". Advanced Therapeutics 2100014
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Microparticle


Bolla, Pradeep Kumar, Vrinda Gote, Mahima Singh, Manan Patel, Bradley A. Clark, and Jwala Renukuntla. "Lutein-Loaded, Biotin-Decorated Polymeric Nanoparticles Enhance Lutein Uptake in Retinal Cells". Pharmaceutics 12, no. 9 (2020): 798
Product Used: AP041, AI167
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell

Dhanabalan, Kaamini M., Vishal K. Gupta, and Rachit Agarwal. "Rapamycin-PLGA microspheres induce autophagy and prevent senescence in chondrocytes and exhibit long in vivo residence". bioRxiv 2020
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Microparticle

Dhanabalan, Kaamini M., Vishal K. Gupta, and Rachit Agarwal. "Rapamycin–PLGA microparticles prevent senescence, sustain cartilage matrix production under stress and exhibit prolonged retention in mouse joints". Biomaterials science 8, no. 15 (2020): 4308-4321
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Microparticle

Holley, C. K., and S. Majd. "Examining the Anti-Tumor Activity of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles In Vitro". 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) pp. 5029-5032. IEEE, 2020.
Product Used: AI020, AP041, AK027
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell

Kang, You Jung, Claire K. Holley, Mohammad Reza Abidian, Achuthamangalam B. Madhankumar, James Connor, and Sheereen Majd. "Tumor Targeted Delivery of an Anti‐Cancer Therapeutic: An In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation". Advanced Healthcare Materials (2020): 2001261
Product Used: AI020, AP041
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell


Alam, Mohammad Anwar Ul, and Lamin S. Kassama. "Comparative Study of Lycopene Encapsulation Efficiency in Polycapprolactone Vs Poly Lactic Co-glycolic Acid". 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting 2019
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Changliang Chi, Fuwei Li, Huibo Liu, Shiyun Feng, Yanjun Zhang, Da Zhou, Rongkui Zhang. "Docetaxel-loaded biomimetic nanoparticles for targeted lung cancer therapy in vivo". Journal of Nanoparticle Research July 2019, 21:144
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell

Holley, Claire K., Bridgett Sinquefield, and Sheereen Majd. "Optimization of the Single Emulsion Method for Encapsulation of a Cancer Drug in Nanoparticles". International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society pp. 1078-1081. IEEE, 2019
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Hopkins, Kelsey A., Nicole Vike, Xin Li, Jacqueline Kennedy, Emma Simmons, Joseph Rispoli, and Luis Solorio. "Noninvasive characterization of In Situ forming implant diffusivity using diffusion-weighted MRI". Journal of Controlled Release (2019)
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: In-Situ Gel

Kydd, Janel Lauren. "Drug Delivery Systems and Combination Therapy for Oncomedicine". PhD diss., University of Massachusetts Lowell 2019
Product Used: AI020, AK037, AP041
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell

Mandl, Hanna K., Elias Quijano, Hee Won Suh, Emily Sparago, Sebastian Oeck, Molly Grun, Peter M. Glazer, and W. Mark Saltzman. "Optimizing Biodegradable Nanoparticle Size for Tissue-Specific Delivery". Journal of Controlled Release (2019)
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Velpurisiva, Praveena. "Engineering Nanomedicines for Combination Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme". PhD diss., University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2019
Product Used: AK027, AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Wadajkar, Aniket S., Jimena G. Dancy, Christine P. Carney, Brian S. Hampton, Heather M. Ames, Jeffrey A. Winkles, Graeme F. Woodworth, and Anthony J. Kim. "Leveraging Surface Plasmon Resonance to Dissect the Interfacial Properties of Nanoparticles: Implications for Tissue Binding and Tumor Penetration". Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 20 (2019): 102024
Product Used: AV011, AK010, AP041
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell

Wirth, David M., and Jonathan K. Pokorski. "Design and fabrication of a low-cost pilot-scale melt-processing system". Polymer (2019): 121802
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Mechanical


Holley, C. K., S. Alkhalifah, and S. Majd. "Fabrication and Optimization of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles". 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) pp. 5733-5736. IEEE, 2018.
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Janel Kydd, Rahul Jadia, and Prakash Rai. "Co-Administered Polymeric Nano-Antidotes for Improved Photo-Triggered Response in Glioblastoma". Pharmaceutics 2018, 10(4), 226
Product Used: AK037, AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Velpurisiva, Praveena, Brandon Piel, Jack Lepine, and Prakash Rai. "GSK461364A, a Polo-Like Kinase-1 Inhibitor Encapsulated in Polymeric Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM).". Bioengineering 5, no. 4 (2018): 83
Product Used: AK027, AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Xu, Lei, Shuo Wu, and Xiaoqiu Zhou. "Bioinspired nanocarriers for an effective chemotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma". Journal of Biomaterials Applications (2018) 0885328218772721.
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Cartwright, A.N., Hartl, C.A., Park, C.G., Schmid, D., Irvine, D.J., Freeman, G.J., Maiarana, J., Wucherpfennig, K.W., Goldberg, M.S., Subedi, N. and Puerto, R.B.. "T cell-targeting nanoparticles focus delivery of immunotherapy to improve antitumor immunity". Nature communications 8, p.1747
Product Used: AI053, AP041
Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell

Marasini, Nirmal, Ashwini Kumar Giddam, Michael R. Batzloff, Michael F. Good, Mariusz Skwarczynski, and Istvan Toth. "Poly-L-lysine-coated nanoparticles are ineffective in inducing mucosal immunity against group a streptococcus". Herbert Open Access Journals Vol 5 Article 1
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Park, Ju-Hwan, Hyun-Jong Cho, and Dae-Duk Kim. "Poly ((D, L) lactic-glycolic) acid–star glucose nanoparticles for glucose transporter and hypoglycemia-mediated tumor targeting". International Journal of Nanomedicine 12 (2017): 7453
Product Used: AP027, AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Marasini, Nirmal, Ashwini K. Giddam, Zeinab G. Khalil, Waleed M. Hussein, Robert J. Capon, Michael R. Batzloff, Michael F. Good, Istvan Toth, and Mariusz Skwarczynski. "Double adjuvanting strategy for peptide-based vaccines: trimethyl chitosan nanoparticles for lipopeptide delivery". Nanomedicine 00 (2016)
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell

Marasini, Nirmal, Zeinab G. Khalil, Ashwini Kumar Giddam, Khairunnisa Abdul Ghaffar, Waleed M. Hussein, Robert J. Capon, Michael R. Batzloff, Michael F. Good, Mariusz Skwarczynski, and Istvan Toth. "Lipid core peptide/poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) as a highly potent intranasal vaccine delivery system against Group A streptococcus". International Journal of Pharmaceutics 513, no. 1 (2016): 410-420
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Zhou, Zilan, Apurva Badkas, Max Stevenson, Joo-Youp Lee, and Yuet-Kin Leung. "Herceptin conjugated PLGA-PHis-PEG pH sensitive nanoparticles for targeted and controlled drug delivery". International journal of pharmaceutics 487, no. 1 (2015): 81-90
Product Used: AP041
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


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