Publications from researchers using our products.
956 publications reference products from PolySciTech division, Akina, Inc.
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Research using PolySciTech product: AP030
Uses Products
Patel, Sravan Kumar, Ashlee C. Greene, Stuti M. Desai, Sam Rothstein, Iman Taj Basha, James Scott MacPherson, Yan Wang et al. . "Biorelevant and screening dissolution methods for minocycline hydrochloride microspheres intended for periodontal administration". International Journal of Pharmaceutics 596 (2021): 120261.
Product Used: AP125, AP037, AP081, AP030, AP150
Product Usage: Microparticle
Bokare, Anuja, Ashley Takami, Jung Han Kim, Alexis Dong, Alan Chen, Ronald Valerio, Steven Gunn, and Folarin Erogbogbo. "Herringbone-Patterned 3D-Printed Devices as Alternatives to Microfluidics for Reproducible Production of Lipid Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles". ACS Omega 4, no. 3 (2019): 4650-4657.
Product Used: AP030
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Thanki, Kaushik, Simon Papai, Abhijeet Lokras, Fabrice Rose, Emily Falkenberg, Henrik Franzyk, and Camilla Foged. "Application of a Quality-By-Design Approach to Optimise Lipid-Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles Loaded with a Splice-Correction Antisense Oligonucleotide: Maximising Loading and Intracellular Delivery.". Pharmaceutical Research 36, no. 3 (2019): 37
Product Used: AP030, AP085, AP054, AP199
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Janus, David A., Christopher J. Lieven, Megan E. Crowe, and Leonard A. Levin. "Polyester-Based Microdisc Systems for Sustained Release of Neuroprotective Phosphine-Borane Complexes". Pharmaceutical Development and Technology (2017): 1-32
Product Used: AP001, AP002, AP003, AP004, AP006, AP007, AP008, AP010, AP011, AP013, AP014, AP016, AP017, AP018, AP020, AP021, AP023, AP024, AP030, AP031, AP032, AP034
Product Usage: Drug-Delivery
Thanki, Kaushik, Xianghui Zeng, Sarah Justesen, Sarah Tejlmann, Emily Falkenberg, Elize Van Driessche, Hanne Mørck Nielsen, Henrik Franzyk, and Camilla Foged. "Engineering of small interfering RNA-loaded lipidoid-poly (DL-Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid) hybrid nanoparticles for highly efficient and safe gene silencing: A quality by design-based approach". European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2017
Product Used: AP030, AP091, AI051
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
Qi, Lin. "Porous PLGA-CaSiO3 (Pseudowollastonite) Composite Scaffolds Optimized for Biocompatibility and Osteoinduction". PhD diss., University of Akron 2014
Product Used: AP030
Product Usage: Structural