Publications from researchers using our products.
960 publications reference products from PolySciTech division, Akina, Inc.
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We strive to include all published data using PolySciTech products for the reference of our customers. However, due to the scope and size of the scientific publishing field, we don't always find all publications. If you have published using our products, but do not see your publication listed below, contact John Garner with citation information so we can add your publication to this page.
Research using PolySciTech product: AI051
Uses Products
Schuster, Benjamin S., Daniel B. Allan, Joshua C. Kays, Justin Hanes, and Robert L. Leheny. "Photoactivatable fluorescent probes reveal heterogeneous nanoparticle permeation through biological gels at multiple scales". Journal of Controlled Release 2017
Product Used: AI051
Product Usage: Reagent/Precursor
Thanki, Kaushik, Xianghui Zeng, Sarah Justesen, Sarah Tejlmann, Emily Falkenberg, Elize Van Driessche, Hanne Mørck Nielsen, Henrik Franzyk, and Camilla Foged. "Engineering of small interfering RNA-loaded lipidoid-poly (DL-Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid) hybrid nanoparticles for highly efficient and safe gene silencing: A quality by design-based approach". European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 2017
Product Used: AP030, AP091, AI051
Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell